15 photos - 6 species

Chelidonura amoena Bergh, 1905

Lovely headshield slug

 Maximum length: 55 mm

The pattern of this species is variable, but the body is often

in white to light yellow translucent tones,

of which a certain density of black spots predominates on the upper parts.

The elongated body consists of a head, which is called ‘head shield’ due to its shape.

There are no rhinophores, but a pair of chemical receptors located on each side of the head,

slightly behind the shield.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Chelidonura flavolobata Heller & T.E.Thompson, 1983

Yellow-lip chelidonura or Headshield slug

 Maximum length: 50 mm

Typical midnight blue colouration with two yellow head lobes.

Photos 1 - 2 Astrid: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 3 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Chelidonura livida Yonow, 1994

Blue-spotted headshield slug

 Maximum length: 50 mm

Depth: 3 - 28 m.

Black body with blue spots.

There are four lobes on the head shield.

It lives in the mud, sand and fine gravel of sheltered reefs.

Often also on large brain and soft corals.

Diet: Worms and other molluscs.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Chelidonura varians Eliot, 1903

Blue velvet headshield slug

 Maximum length: 70 mm

It has a deep black colouration with bright blue edges from the head

to the dorsal shields and hind appendages. However, this blue line is interrupted,

while another blue line runs along the centre of the head shield

and there may be individual blue spots on other parts of the body. 

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Philinopsis speciosa Pease, 1860

Blue-margin headshield slug or Showy headshield slug

 Maximum length: 35 mm

Colour: Extremely variable, brown or black, with or without yellow and blue markings.

Truncated body with an enlarged posterior part of the head shield.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Tubulophilinopsis gardineri Eliot, 1903

Gardiner's headshield slug

 Maximum length: 35 mm

This striking tropical snail has a dark body colour,

a bright blue band on the edge of the mantle

and a white line running across the middle of its body. 

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi